
Monday, December 06, 2010

Personalized Christmas Decorations!

I'm kind of a sucker for things personalized...and they make great gifts too!! So when I stumbled across was kinda giddy.

Check out all the goodies they have!!! And great prices to boot!

How cute are these??

This would be a neat idea for those who "you just don't know what to get them..."

...and what Grandma wouldn't love one of these??

I'm sorry, but THIS one just cracked me up...

I feel like I should get this for Husby when the basement is complete...

Oh this is a cute idea for those movie/popcorn lovers...

Oh well...that's enough for now...this shopping online thing can get addicting! :P

1 comment:

  1. LOVING those jammies, how cute are they!!! The popcorn things are too cute as well. Now if only that darn money tree in the backyard would just fill up already!


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