
Friday, January 21, 2011

30 Before 30 - Update...

According to my Timer, I have: 118 Days, 8 Hours, 53 Minutes and 15, 14, 13...seconds left to complete my 30 before 30 list.

Let's take a look at how well I am doing...

  1. Finish all drywalling in the basement. *We are so close...just a small portion of the laundry room needs to be finished and all the bulkheads. But we are on a little break after Husby's injury.
  2. Recover a chair. *heehee, need to finish painting...but it's been too cold!
  3. Complete our Master Bedroom. (Paint, Furniture & Decor) 
  4. Sew a dress for myself.
  5. Make Sushi from scratch. *It's on the calendar...January 28th. If I have talked to you about coming over when I do that date! :)
  6. Get pregnant.
  7. Pay off Credit Cards. 
  8. Print out photobooks of my favorite photos. *adding photos...
  9. Have a Family Photo taken. Husby and I...and us with the Pups. 
  10. Grow vegetables.
  11. Learn how to use my DSLR in manual mode. 
  12. Start journaling.
  13. Lose 20+ pounds. *On Weight Watchers since January 4th, 7 pounds down so far.
  14. Make new curtains for my kitchen. *In design phase :)
  15. Successfully launch my Photography business...aePhotography.
  16. Grow out my hair.
  17. Bake my own bread.
  18. Surprise Husby at least once a month with something fun. August, September, October, November, December I am working on January.
  19. Create our "Family Story" wall. *Gotta make the shelves
  20. Organize and add shelving to our Master Bedroom Closet.
  21. Hit 35,000 visitors on our Blog. *Getting so close...almost at 33,657!! 1,000 more than last check in!
  22. Successfully keep an Orchid for more than 30 days. We are on "orchid watch" It's day far, so good!
  23. Have a successful Yard Sale.
  24. Paint a picture. A plan is in place to work on this soon. Next month!
  25. Slow dance with Husby.
  26. Go to a show on Broadway.
  27. Hold a puppy.
  28. Make a necklace. Planning this one.
  29. Grow Peonies.
  30. Get Husby to dress up for Halloween.

So I think we are doing pretty good!! We only have 20 left and many of those are SO close to being done!! I am proud...and while we are at about I check in with my 2011 Goals so far...

  • Join Weight Watchers again I joined on January 4th. I have lost 7 pounds as of this morning.
  • Start a friendly weight loss competition with some friends. I have joined two competitions. One online with Bobbi and Mike, called the HealthyTrain. One is still in the works between the Young Adult Small Group and the VERB Youth Leaders at our church.
  • Exercising. I won't strike through this yet, because it has not become a habit, but I HAVE made an effort to be more active and do some workouts here and there.
  • Start couponing. I will go ahead and strike this one, because I am in collect mode right now...I will start using them soon.
  • Finish the decor in the Master Bedroom gosh, I am so close to striking this one, but I still need to hang some shelves and make our mirror first. By the way...I need options on shelving location...go here and let me know what you think!
  • Read my B.I.B.L.E. more. We are a go on this one....but won't strike just yet.
  • Read more period. Not striking, but I have three books ready to read...
  • Get at least $500 into savings. Ehhh no where close.
  • Go to bed earlier. I will say I have accomplished this a couple nights here and there...
  • Wake up earlier. haha, I would hardly say that one or two days counts.
  • Eat breakfast. I have done this everyday since the start of Weight Watchers.
  • Hit my Photography business hard! Won't strike it yet, but I am hittin' it pretty hard already. Got a Grow-With-Me Package booked and my very first Wedding!
  • Get knocked up. :) Working on that ;)
  • Get crafty-er I am striking this one...because I have already completed about 4 projects and I have a huge list of more to come!!
  • Sew more Working on it...maybe that dress finally?

Not bad!! This is all super exciting! How are you doing on your goals?!


  1. Wow that's some list. I don't think I even did anything like that. Sounds like part of lives to do list. I think when 30 hit it came and went. I'm still working on some backburner things two kids later ha ha.
    Hope you'll pop over and return the favor of a comment. Cheers! Good luck with your list :-)

  2. You are right... you are so close on some of them!!! How exciting it must be to strike off each item. I can't wait to see all that you accomplish =)

  3. You really have marked off quite a few. Yay for you!!!


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