
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Board and Batten Hallway - Could we?

So I know I have mentioned Board and Batten before, here and here. I LOVE the design. I think it's such a clean, chic look. I had toyed around with the idea of adding it to my Family Story Wall, but I think it would be a bit too much for that small room. (If you look past the living room, you can see the Dining Room and the wall we are planning to use for our Story wall on the right.) We had already added crown molding and we are planning to use the "ten dollar shelves" (from on our Story adding more "stuff" just didn't seem like a great idea.

So, I got to thinking...where can I add board and batten...I mean, I'm to the point where I need it so badly that I HAVE to have it. :) Some designs are just that good. :)

Then, it hit me. The hallway.
But is it too small a space?
Oh, but wouldn't it look so good?!
And then I can finally make myself pick out an actual paint color for the top of the board and batten.

So I hopped over to Google of my online BFF's.

Here are some of the ideas I came across.

(image from here)

(image from here)

Oh, I think this is doable. Would this be a great place to incorporate the board and batten design? Our hallway now is so boring and plain and white. I want to include pictures too...but is my hallway too small to add picture on the ledges, or even have little ledges at all?



  1. I love the idea!!! I love have it in my dining room!

  2. DO IT!!!!! Oh my gosh I am literally speaking it out loud!!! DO IT! That would be amazing against your floors. oh I LOVE it. I have never really seen it before and I think it would be great in your home. I think it would set "the mood" for your house. so DO IT!


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