
Thursday, January 06, 2011

Date Night - in a jar

So, about a week or so ago Husby mentioned he felt like we, meaning our relationship, was hitting a rut of sorts. Falling into some boring routine. So he wanted to jazz it up a bit with a regular "Date Night." Isn't he a stud for coming up with the idea!!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist using another JamesVanDerMeme! :) Oh, and I meant Husby was the STUD...not this guy...heehee.

So I thought, how can we take this a step further and add some excitement and spontinaety to the situation?

What about a "Date Night Jar?!" Husby seemed perplexed at first but quickly fell inline with the idea!

So I decided that we would each come up with a list of 10-15 things that we could do for around $25 that could be either random, fun, something we have done before or not. So we each whipped up a list and it was funny to see the similarities in some of our ideas!

So then came night off. Husby heads to church for small groups and it's just me and the pups...although Olive spent most of her time in her crate for jumping on my chair and stealing some chicken off my plate at dinner time, cause I walked away to help Husby with something. GRRRR. Never steal food from a woman on a diet! :P

Anywho...I sat down with my new Silhouette SD Craft Cutter....*cue angels singing* and began to build an idea.

btw...I had lots of plans for this evening...
  • make a date night jar.
  • make some flower headbands, rings and such.
  • work on some of our favorite picture digital albums.
I only finished the first one...because my SD cutter...well it has a learning curve, i.e. condition the mat so your paper won't stick repeatedly, download updated software so you can actually cut fonts like you are supposed to. After about an hour and half I finally was ready to begin work on my jar....sheeessshh!

*warning, pictures are this point I didn't care...*

So here we are...I picked an old plastic container that housed some rocks for vase filler... 

I then took some decorative packing tape that I picked up at Michael's like forever ago for $.25 each!

Then I used the Silhouette to cut some black strips of paper to wrap around the container. And get this...they were straight and I didn't have to cut them by hand!

Then I went back to the cutter to cut out the letters for "date night." I used the font "suede" which is one of my favorites right now. Yep, you can follow that link and download it yourself for free-heeee!

Then I cut out my envelope for the back of the container to house the list of "activities."

Then I cut out all the jumbo numbers that would sit inside the jar. This is what we will pull out to determine our activity for date night!

Then, I was all done!! Here's the crappiest picture...sorry! I sat it on top of our cable box in the bedroom.

So, here's how the "Date Night Jar" works.

Date Night rolls around, or we sit down to plan out our week...and we head to the "Jar." One of us pulls out a number...

See, so like we got "#8." Then we turn the "jar" around and we find our list of activities...

So it looks like we are taking some "House Tours." Yeah, we like to do that...visit model homes and dream about what our HOME could be many, many, many years down the road. :)

Then we cross that number off the list and set "#8" aside and go on our happy little "Date Night."

All for under $25 and planned with a little twist of surprise.

So what do you think of our little idea and craft project?!

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1 comment:

  1. I like it. Also wanted to know how the WW thing is going? I am thinking about trying it too.
    Too many pounds ... yikes.


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