
Friday, January 28, 2011

What Inspires You? - Part 5

Today, I am inspired by Husby. Who did you think I would talk about on a Friday?! :) I am inspired by his drive. The man just gets stuff done.


There are times when he heads downstairs to "clean up" and within an hour he has the place spic-n-span (well spic-n-span for the basement at least.)

Me? I can't finish a job like that very quickly. I get sidetracked, start doing three things at once, get overwhelmed and give up. ha!

He just has such a drive to get things completed. And that inspires me. Babe, you rock!

What's inspiring you today? Have you like the series? I hope it's challenged you to get inspired!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    wow! YOU, April, are an INSPIRATION ... so glad you enjoy "life" in every way! Keep up the great work in ALL your "endeavors" ... we love you bof, MUCHO! Momma Z & Uncle RayRay


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