
Monday, January 17, 2011

Window Greenhouse

So you see the little beauty below...? Husby is on his way to pick up about 25+ of them for FREE! Thank you Craigslist!


I have been wanting some old windows for a while now...for some crafty ideas, for some decor ideas and most of build a window pane greenhouse!

Oh yeah...seriously! I am stoked. So pumped. Ecstatic! You gettin' my drift?

Here are just some of the best ideas I have found for designs so far, even though I pretty much have mine all planned out already...this one is probably the closest to my design as I could find online...

Here are some more...these have a little more design to them, but I still love them!!!


So there ya have it! How amazing are these? I am hoping that they will really boost my green-thumb this year...seeing as how last year I got one green pepper to grow. Out of 5 vegetable plants. Grrrr.

So watch the blog, because I will share my personal tutorial on how mine was made!!


  1. How cool is that!!!???!! Love love love old windows! =)

  2. That is awesome! I've always wanted one for the wall for pictures. LOVE the greenhouse idea.


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