
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Balumtine'th Day!!

It's Lovey Day!!! One of my favorites...especially because of this guy...

Also, I throughly enjoy surprising Husby with his Clue Hunt...even if he didn't really like this years. :)

He had to answer questions like "What song did I dedicate to you on the radio?" and "What is my favorite movie of all time." He also had to make me a Valentine's Day cute is this? (sorry crappy cell phone picture!)

Overall he earned 45 out of a possible 60 points!!!! *cheering, clapping! His points determined his Valentine's Day goodies...

0-10 Points = A Card
11-20 Points = A new Book
21-30 = Two "Dirty Dishes" free weeks
31-40 = A week of his favorite dinners
41-50 = A Massage
51-60 = $50 towards new Clothes

He did pretty well, and only missed receiving his last present! I think he still made off pretty good though! :)

OH!!! He did great for me too...well...I took the day off and we spent it together. I got lunch at one of my favorites...Fuddruckers. (Oh yeah, I am that simple.) Then we hung out and did some other stuff then headed home. I was promised a homemade dinner of my choosing. I chose Homemade Pizza, but then we had pizza the night before, so that changed things. About two months ago I came across a yummy recipe from Martha Stewart Living for Homemade Chicken Pot Pies...BINGO. So he had his meal,  his shopping list and got to work!! Here are some pictures from the evening...

One of my favorites from the evening... watching Husby cut up raw chicken. His face is priceless. He has the same face when washing dirty dishes! ha!

Here's  Husby creating the oh-so-yummy sauce.

Wahhhh-laaa...all prepared and ready to pop into the oven...

And look at that deliciousness!!!! It was so yummy. Husby did an amazing job!

Thanks babe for another great Valentine's Day...I couldn't ask for a better Valentine! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love Dave Barnes.... "Luv es blind!"

    And Love the apron :)

    Maybe y'all can come over and we can make homemade pizza soon.


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)