
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recovering a Chair - A new wardrobe for my seat :)

Another thing I can mark off my 30 Before 30 List! Wahoooo! I mentioned yesterday that I finally finished painting my chair and bench for my recovering project.

Here is the final result!

Back in October I picked up this chair at Goodwill for $25 with Mom. I was pumped to recover it and use it in my Studio and for Photoshoots. I got him home and got all the fabric ripped off with Husby's help...

Once I got all the icky, nasty, old fabric off we headed outside to lightly sand and hit it with some white spray paint...


I brought it inside and tried my hand at some antiquing did not go so I nixed that idea!

And then...we had to do more work on the basement and my project got put on hold...straight through Christmas and New Years. I finally decided it was time to finish the project. It needed another coat of white paint after my antiquing debacle, and I decided to finish it off with a glossy coat.

Once it dried of course, now it was time to add my fabric and padding. I traced out the front piece using the cardboard from the original padding.

I used the same cardboard to wrap my fabric on for the back of the chair, then stapled it into place.

Then I added some extra padding between the back and the front and started stapling my front piece into place.

Wahh-laaaa. All done!
Well, at least the seat back portion!

Now for the seat itself. I decided I wanted some extra padding to go all the way down the front for those of us that are shot and didn't want to rest our legs against wood.

Once I cut the padding into place (which wasn't much cutting) then I covered it with my fabric and started pulling, tucking and stapling. It was alot easier than I thought it would be! I was at the last step. Time to add the trim.

Perfect! It makes it all come together!

Here is a close up of the trip. Crisp black. :)

And here is what the back looks like. There are a few paint chips that I will have to fix, but that's what happens when you give me an industrial stapler and a hammer.  :) Trust me...I have a few sore fingers that remember too.

And here she sits in her temporary home. Until the Studio is complete!

The two front legs were my only real trouble spots. And I tried my best with them. I even added some fabric brads to cover up all the tucking I had to do. It's not bad I guess.

And finally...the Before and After again...

I LOVE it...and I can't wait to use it!!
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  1. I love it! You did such a great job! It looks like it would be pretty for a boudoir shoot! wink wink

  2. This looks gorgeous! I love the fabric!

  3. I love it! you are amazing!

  4. Oh its look amazing!!!!

  5. Oh wow - that is fabulous! You are totally inspiring me to finish my quilt - I want to show a finished piece!


    I saw your blog on 20 something bloggers! Hope you will follow me as well!


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