
Monday, February 07, 2011

Valentine's Day Crafts - Felt Heart Door Hanger

Here's a great little Valentine's Day project...we completed it at our Church's Chicks in Aprons class...and had a great time!

Here's what you'll need:
elt (any color) 10-12 sheets
Ribbon (to hang your decor)
Straight Pins/Dress Pins (250+)
Heart Shaped Styrofoam Heart (I know Hobby Lobby carries them)
Your supplies should total around $14-16
Now, here's the HOW-TO
So I am gonna do a quick run down of the fastest way to cut out your circles, cause you are going to need A LOT of them!! First you want to cut your felt sheet in half...

Then cut it in half again...

Then cut them in half...

You still with me? Now you should have about an inch to an inch and a half wide stripe that is 8 inches long. (estimated) Now you need to zig zag fold this...

Now, cut off the corners forming a circle. You can cut a complete circle out if you want, whatever works for you. And no, your circles do not have to be perfect...

Now...grab your pins and your's time to start assembling this baby...
Take one circle and fold it in half...

Then in half again...till you have this little felty bundle...

Stick one pin through the point of your felt circle bundle and push it into your styrofoam heart...

Pack them as tight or as loose as you desire...and keep folding, sticking and pushing...

 No really, keep going...

And before long, you'll be DONE!!
It helps to have a little cutie-pah-tootie nearby to help show off the final result...and it's even better if she exclaims "oh I loooveee ittt aweeee" and gives it a hug. *adorable!*

Then you are complete. The adding the ribbon is pretty self-explainatory...I assume. Just cut the ribbon to desired length and stick it to the back of your heart with more pins.
*Note, your pointer and thumb finger will more than likely be numb at the tip by the end of this...but no one ever said crafting isn't hard work!!!*
Here's my finished product!

What kind of cutesy-heartsy things are you making for Lovey Day this year?

1 comment:

  1. How long did it take for you to finish the wreath? It's ADORABLE, but I only have an afternoon...


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)