
Friday, February 04, 2011

What I love about my Wife.

Husby Writing......

I am in the middle of my Annual Valentines Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza (April will tell you all about it in a later post) and today's task is to write a blog about my Beautiful Wife.

I love my wife because of her extremely fun personality and her incredibly creative skillz. She is truly the light bulb in our relationship, by lighting everything up. She makes everything in our life run smoothly and she makes sure it is always topped with a lot of fun.

Her creative skillz have brought a lot of joy to other peoples lives and it has truly brought life to our Home. It has also given her the ability to start several in home businesses, and thankfully she has found one that is not only working/making money, but it is fulling an emptiness in her life.

There is so much more that I love about my Wife, but I will be here all day if I go through them all, so I highlighted the big ones.


"What do you love about your significant other or your relationship with them?"


  1. Oh, Cory. You deserve a nice yummy treat for your beautiful comments. Hope you enjoy your hunting!!

  2. That's real sweet Cory. You should post more sweet things about April, even when your getting a treat for it isn't an option.

  3. What I love about the hubs is that he is willing to "get dirty" whether that means cleaning the house, doing the laundry, washing the dishes, or doing the yard work. He is never above doing things that might not be "manly". And I love him for that!
    Hope you are enjoying your scavenger hunt!

  4. How super cool is your hubz for writing that! Super sweet. April, you have quite the guy there :)

  5. Aww Cory you are such a sweetheart!

    I watched your guy's last year Valentines Scavenger hunt and I think it is the most adorable thing ever :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)