
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Oscars 2011 - Fashion

I'm gonna mix it up a little this time...

Let's start with a NO...

Cate Blanchett - This is simply horrible...not that she routinely makes great fashion choices anyhow...but what kind of yellow, wart looking beading is that?!

Hillary Swank - Gorgeous. I love it.

Penelope Cruz - Dang...and after having a baby about a month ago too! She looks amazing!

Sharon Stone - What in the ??? Does anyone else think her hair makes her look like a bug?'s like she has antennae!!

Anne Hathaway - She looks of my favorite Anne looks of the night...

Natalie Portman - Gag, she's stunning! If ONLY we could all look like Natalie when we are that pregnant!

Halle Berry - I feel like this a bad art project.

Scarlett Johansson - It's like wearing lingerie, without actually wearing lingerie. Nope. Although, the color is good on her...that's about it.

Reese Witherspoon - #1 BAD Prom hair...#2 could your dress get ANY less exciting?

Mila Kunis - Tattered and she pulled it from a jumbo shredder. Me no likey.

Hailee Steinfeld - Ahhhh-dorable!! So age appropriate and cute!

Melissa Leo - cough, cough, DOILY, cough, cough!

Gweneth Paltrow -  I guess I can say it looks ALRIGHT...I just really don't like her and it totally impacts my decision.

Nicole Kidman - Boring. Even for Nicole.

So...what were your thoughts? Did you have any favorite fashions from the evening?!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see Hailee Steinfeld! I LOVE her dress! She looks amazing!


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