
Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's a hot mess around here.

I feel like I have been busy for two months. Probably because I have. Either way, I can kinda see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm settling in nicely at work, got my routine pretty much down.
The Annual Murder Mystery is this weekend, then I can breath and have my weekends back.
Although they will quickly be filled back up with photoshoots...but I'm not complaining! :)
The basement is done.
Yes, there is a tour coming for you...very...soon...promise.
So. The calm is quickly approaching. You may be thinking...calm, yes c a l m. Summer isn't too bad for us, at least it hasn't been. It's hanging out, working outside, playing with the dogs and swimming; with some great youth group events thrown in there.
Oh, and then there's the me turning 30 thing.
I feel like turning thirty warrants some slow down least for a couple months, a month, ok, at least a week or two.

I am sitting in our office tonight. I feel like I haven't been in here in months. Truth be told, I am pretty sure I haven't been in here in a really long time. It's super evident too.

Need proof? This kind of disorganization is very unlike I will share with you as I hang my head in shame.

This is just a snapshot of what the desk looks like...

And this pile of goodness is on the floor next to the office chair/desk.

The sitting area when you first walk into the office...

There's even crap on top of the dogs crates. Poor things, it sounds like the sky is falling whenever they shake or move while they are in there.

So, it's just a hot mess of unfinished projects, which adequately describes my life right now. Projects that my brain hasn't been able to wrap itself around; but after this weekend. It's on like donkey-kong. I am attacking my 30 Before 30 List, I am attacking this office, I am attacking the photo project for my ever-so-nekked hallway. I am GOING TO DO IT. 

But for tonight, I am grabbing some shut up juice (chocolate milk) and watching some pre-royal-wedding-TV and relaxing before the busy weekend slaps me in the face a day early tomorrow. Bring it weekend. ;) 

Oh, by the way...Olive is watching me blog...garsh I lurve her :)

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