
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's been a long time...

Cory Writing..........

Wow it has been a long time (December) to be exact since I have blogged. I have been very very very busy.

The first thing is I re-registered for my last class for my AA degree in Criminal Justice. I was registered for the class in the Fall semester, but I had to drop the class because life just got absolutely nuts and a 2 day a week class didn't fit into life. So I have registered for the class again and it is really kicking my butt. I am studying Structure and Function of the Human Body and it is a lot of memorization. Why I have to know that my butt is technically called my gluetus maximus I don't know, but the degree God's say that I need to therefore I am learning it.

The second thing is the downstairs has come to a stand still because we decided to replace the windows in our house. We could initially only afford to replace the up stairs windows, but we will do the basement windows before the year is up. I still don't understand why glass costs so much money, but if it saves us as much as they say, it will be well worth it. I hate BGE.

The third and most exciting thing that has happened to me is I have become a full elder at my church. When Steve Hall took over as Lead Pastor at our Church he asked me to be an elder and I accepted. The first year I was a provisional Elder, where I went through some training and had to read leadership books. I made it through that year and I was commissioned as a full Elder on Sunday February 24, 2008. I am so proud to be an Elder in my Church and it is a huge responsibility.

Other than that everything is the same and now you are caught up. I hope that I will blog a little more regular in the future. I will keep you updated on my progress with this class.

Until next time..... peace, love and hair grease.


  1. YEAH for getting caught up!!! Good job baby!

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    You left me wanting more... like how are you doing in your classes now? Does this mean you are graduating in the spring? Once again congrats on being an elder at our church. Maybe if we start slipping you money you can help the youth out a bit. JK!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)