
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


WOW! What a slacking blogger I have been...wait WE have been. Cory hasn't blogged either!! I will have to get on him as well!!
So, let's get you all caught up on life.

As you can see, I have been on Weight Watchers, now having finished my eighth week...I am 16.4 pounds lighter and MUCH, MUCH happier! It is really very exciting to see how the body changes...and to remember that the skinny me, isn't just on the can show outside too. ALMOST time for some new clothes...and just before spring. HOW EXCITING!!

Cory and I are doing really great. Equally loving life and driving each other nuts. Olive and Pickle (our puppies, not to be confused with any summertime condiments) are getting along GREAT! I am so glad we stuck with it and kept Olive around. She is such a doll and she is totally sweet. It is also about time to get her fact *slapping a big hot pink post-it note on her calendar* there! I reminded myself to get on that!!

For a while there Cory was speeding along well on our downstairs bathroom...but that has come to a screeching hault. Not sure if it was us waiting on more funds, more time or both! :) Hopefully that will be complete soon...with PICTURES too!

As far as BABIES go, no news for us...however a BIG congratulations to our friends Jason and Brittany on thier FIRST little bundle of joy that is due, well let's just say he/she is due sometime in September 08! (since they can't make up thier mind, right Britt?!) We do have news IN the baby area...I should be starting some medication called 'Clomid' soon. Hopefully, without all the will help Cory and I get pregnant in the first few cycles...maybe even the FIRST cycle. We are staying really positive about it all, continuosly. We know that God has much better, bigger plans than we could imagine, so I am always eager to see where we go!

I am continuing down my GOALS list of 2008 that I penned down earlier this year. As mentioned, I am losing the weight I wanted to lose, and I just BOUGHT a dress pattern. (One of my other goals was to sew a dress or purse) I jumped right in and bought the DRESS pattern! Call me crazy or just plain nuts...who knows. We shall see when I try putting this bad boy together! Here's the one I chose:

So, I am quite excited!!
I also just recently RE-SIGNED up as a Stampin-Up Demonstrator. (I think I blogged about that earlier this year!) So I am glad for that. things are going very well too!
Well, I think that about catches us up for now...I will let Cory catch you up on work, school, becoming and Elder, etc. *hint, hint*!! :) Talk to you sooner than soon!!! Adios!


  1. were supposed to be thinking of a good name for my blog. I still need one.

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Yeah for return of the bloggers! It is so nice to hear what's going on in y'alls life even though for the most part I already know. It's just fun reading. Give us more!!! And congrats on being 16.4 pounds lighter. You have made it a lifestyle change. Congrats!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)