
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

April's View...

*thanks Lindsey*

April writing...
I am taking a creative cue from my Weight Watchers buddy, Lindsey (who by the way is doing AMAZING on WW...congrats!!!) Today I am going to show you what it looks like at work for me. Lindsey made a good point on her page. Do you ever think as read someones blog or email, etc...and think, "I wonder what it looks like where this person is typing..." Well...I hadn't thought about it till I read Lindseys blog, but she is right...I HAVE thought that.
So, here is WORK...from April's point of view!
For those that don't know...I work in Columbia, MD at an Architecture and Interior Design firm. I work with some pretty cool people, and I really enjoy my job! I love the fact that I have TWO windows and a HUGE desk. I am also basically sitting in private...even though I am the receptionist. So that is nice too.

Here is what it looks like when you first walk into our office. That big desk is ALL me...Yep, little ol' me sits behind that massive thing! It's a little messy with some extra boxes right now...but that is because I just cleaned out or coat closest (that had like 10 years worth of crap in there!) I also have been completely re-filing and chronologically ordering about 10 years worth of files that is some leftover dead files stuff to the left by the door. That door belongs to the book-keepers office. That used to be Debbie, but she is gone now. Soon we will have another new person joining us. (You can read about why she left here...

Next we have the view from behind my desk...and this is of course with me standing up...other wise, all I really see is the wall I sit behind! haha!
And this is what I stare at 6 hours a day. And yes, it is ALWAYS that nice and tidy. Otherwise I would go crazy. I like a clean workspace...and apparentally so do my bosses. They just love how organized I am...even though they do tease me for it! :)

This is just slightly left of where I sit everyday...See how close I am to a window! Which is great actually cause we have alot of freezing people in our office and they are always PUMPING the heat, so I have my window cracked almost at all times...thank heavens! I would probably roast to death. Oh and see all my plant action...LOVE IT. Especially this one....

It's my Ficus Bonsai. Oh yeah, it is that cool!

So t hat is basically it. My world for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. And I love it. It still hasn't quite gotten my touch, cause I keep forgetting to bring in pictures of my pups and hubby and all that, but I will get there!!! So....where do you work???


  1. I work in too many places to show you - my office, all different rooms in my house, occasional coffee shops that have wifi...

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Thanks for showing us your office! Very cool.

  3. ooohhh...super cool office!


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