
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Karma is Great

Cory Writing ........

Here is my Cop story of the week and it has to do with Karma biting back and I loved it.

I am working tonight/morning (May 25) and of course we are getting all kinds of loud noise/party calls, since it is Memorial (rememorialized) Weekend. When I go to this type call I am very calm and understanding the first time I go, but if I have to come back to the same place more than once this is when it gets really ugly.

I get this call to a house for a loud noise/party, so I go to the address and tell the people standing outside that is it time to go inside and turn the music off because their neighbors are calling and complaining. The individuals oblige and say, "OK we are sorry Officer, the party is over." They went inside and closed the door and I left. Here is where it gets ugly.

About 45 minutes to an hour later I get the second call for the same address, but this time I have the person that is calling wants to talk with me. I arrive at the address and speak to the complainant. She states that the kids that live next door are yelling and screaming and keeping her up. As I am standing talking with this lady I can hear the guys yelling and scream. Mind you these houses are not connected to each other, there is a healthy distance between them.

I go over to the house and knock on the door. A drunk male comes to the door and I ask him if he lives there and he stated no. I asked for the owner and he stated he would go get him and he attempts to shut the door, but I invited myself in. He says, "oh I guess you can come in." and I stated, "Of course I can come in thank you." The owners come down and I just started to rip into these guys because I have a history with this house. These guys are 25 ish years old and I have been to the house for complaints where they are playing in a blow-up ball pit at like 3 in the morning. So if you can imagine these guys are like a bunch of frat boys living in a neighborhood not a college campus.

As I am having an intense moment of fellowship with these guys I asked them if they had jobs and one of their peanut gallery buddies pipes up. "Yeah we have jobs and we probably make more money than you." So I proceed to tell this Jack donkey that I don't' care how much money he makes, but he does need to grow up and shut up. If he wants to go to his house and act like an idiot than go ahead, but he isn't going to act like an idiot in my post." He continued to act like a moron and I told the whole house that if I come back a third time I am going to take everyone to jail. Then I left the residence knowing that if I come back there is nothing I can do except tell them to turn it down again. But what they don't know usually works in my benefit and it did because I didn't get another call to this house.

This is where Karma comes back to bite these guys in the buttocks. I was sitting on a gas station parking lot observing traffic. All of a sudden I hear this noise and look to my left just in time to see this ball bouncing into the street. I then see a truck speeding off of the parking lot. I immediately pull out and pull the car over. I walk up to the driver of the vehicle and immediately notice that this is the moron from the house earlier. I am just dieing laughing on the inside, but I didn't say anything to them because after all I am a professional. I ask the driver for his driver's license and registration and he doesn't have either of them on him. I ask them who threw the ball and of course all the guys act stupid like they didn't do anything. Finally the driver comes clean and says that he threw the ball. Lucky for him the ball didn't break anything, so I couldn't lock him up. Oh I wish that would have broke something because that would have been so much better. I did get the final laugh because I wrote this idiot two citations for a total of 80 dollars of fines and made him park his truck and walk.

So the lesson for today is when you have a run in with the cops, you better be nice because we usually get the last laugh.


  1. This has got to be one of the best stories so far that I have read from you, Cory. I think my faves in this one are: "Fellowship" and "Jack Donkey" Now that is a righteous anger if ever I saw one with a very calm and cool reaction. Love it!!! LOL!!!

  2. Oh baby I love Karma...especially in your favor. Good story! :) And I am with Becky, the "Jack Donkey" was a nice touch...sounds like me! :)

  3. Dude, you should have locked that Jack Donkey up for making that comment about money. You could have locked him up for BAIWDAO (Being A Idiot While Disrespecting An Officer

  4. Dude, you should have locked that Jack Donkey up for making that comment about money. You could have locked him up for BAIWDAO (Being A Idiot While Disrespecting An Officer

  5. Dude, you should have locked that Jack Donkey up for making that comment about money. You could have locked him up for BAIWDAO (Being A Idiot While Disrespecting An Officer

  6. I think must husband really enjoyed your story OR he really liked his own comment. I too have to agree with Becky, I think this was one of my favorite stories so far!!!! Could you not have charged him with drunk driving though?

  7. Umm... *clears throat* When you say "(rememorialized)" are you by chance referencing my lack of vocabulary skill is my Memorial Day blog?

    Just curious...

    PS - I'd pay to but a "Bad Boys" type camera in your car. I bet that'd be HIGHLY entertaining on prime time television.

  8. and by "referencing" I meant... "mocking"...


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