
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oi. Oi. Oi.

April writing...

Seriously. One box? One full box of tissues?! Yep, since 9:22 am this morning. I have gone through one FULL box of tissues. My nose is dripping like a leaky pipe in an old apartment building. And it is getting kind of old. It's so bad, that the drips literally sneak up on me. Here I am typing, typing, typing...and whammooaahh one drip falls on my shirt before I can catch it with a tissue. So yeah, here I sit with about 4 wet drops spots on my shirt. Great. Stinking awesome.
Anyways, before I float away on my pity boat...

Today is dragging by and I find myself with absolutely nothing to blog about other than to scissors are back. *haha* I am not kidding. It turns un-named fellow employee was packing up a box to be shipped about and during that process my favorite scissors found their way into said box. The box arrived at it's destination and the receiver found the stowaway scissors and they were nice enough to mail it back with a letter that read, "Received your scissors, I am sure by mistake. Although they were quite nice and it was tempting to keep them I was quite sure they were already being missed by someone. So here's to hoping that you are "Reunited and it feels so good"...enjoy your scissors."

haha! How great is that! I was too happy. So now, my scissors are back and yes, for about 5 minutes after their return, I just held them.

Oh and by the way...


  1. Wow that was really nice of them to return your scissors. And they seem to be really funny. Welcome home scissors! Welcome home. About your nose. Just stick tissue up them. I know its unattractive, but I don't think snot stains on your shirt will help you win a beauty contest either. Here's hoping for a better, no drip kinda day!

  2. #1 - rock on with your weight loss!!


    #2 - I want to meet the person that wrote your "scissors" note. Becuase I LOVE that they quoted the song, and twisted it up a bit. Good times!!

  3. Um the scissor thing is hilarious. The allergies are not so hilarious. I am pretty fed up with mine as well. I keep hoping little Bennet gets Andrew's health and not mine so he isn't allergied and sickly all the time - haha.


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