
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Remembering the Fallen...

April & Cory Writing...
Today is a very special and important day for America. It is National Peace Officer's Day. In America a Police Officer is killed every 57 hours. This is a grave realization for those of us to closely connected to the Police Officer Community. In America flags will fly at half-staff in remembrance of all those that have been killed in the line of duty.In our Nation's Capitol this week we are celebrating National Law Enforcement Police Week. Tuesday was the Candlielight Vigil for all those that have been lost and today is the dedication cermony for those that have been killed in the line of duty.

Here are a few pictures from the Memorial site and the Candlelight vigil.

This is a truly beautiful and great way to remember the fallen. As each name is read aloud, what has come to be known as the "Final Roll Call." a Thin Blue Line (laser) is shown across the sky. Along with all the candlelight, family and friends it is a beautiful testimate to the ultimate sacrifice made daily by so many to protect and serve our wonderful Country.
So today as we remember the fallen, please take the time to be generous to that officer who is protecting our country, to remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice and above all, take the time to...

In closing I would like to leave you with a letter that a little girl once left on the wall to her daddy who payed the ultimate sacrifice.

"TO: Officer Joshua Mathew Williams

FROM: Your daughter, Lisa

DATE: May 14, 2004

Dear Daddy,
I am 13 now, and am really growing up fast. I'm very different, looking like a young lady. My mouth looks like the front end of a Cadillac because, you see, I have braces.
I am playing soccer this year and I was in the school play. I just had a small part, but I did my best, because that's what you taught me to do.
Johnny is 10 now, and he really makes me mad sometimes. But, Mom says that I have to be patient because he's my little brother and we all need one another. We're doing OK, but I know that Mom really misses you. I see her sitting in her favorite chair looking at your picture. I think she cries sometimes.
We miss you, Daddy, and we wish so badly that you could be here.


P.S. Thanks for taking the time to paint the pictures of the sunsets, Daddy. They are hanging in the hallway. I see them every morning when I get up. They remind me of you and how lucky we are to have a Daddy like you."


  1. I have always had a great respect for those who serve and protect, even if I have gotten a warning or two about my parking or speed. May the ones who serve today, tomorrow and, in the future always be respected and those that have fallen, may they always be remembered for the job and duty they served in the world and their families.

  2. Thank you Cory Eslick for all that you do for our country!!!!

  3. Thanks for what you do bro. This don't count for a blog! But still good.

  4. Oooh.. this inspires me to do a blog on Military families, as this is Armed Forces Week. :-D

    I think I shall...


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