
Friday, May 16, 2008

What is a "Blog"

April writing...

There seems to be some confusion as to what a "Blog" really is. Allow me to clarify using the Google Search engine to define the word.

Blog is/means: (These are in no particular order...I picked the top 10)
1. A frequently updated journal or diary, usually hosted by a third party.
2. An online journal
3. Short for "Web log," a specialized site that allows an individual or group of individuals to share a running log of events and personal insights with online audiences. Blogs with political or current-events themes have grown in popularity and become "soap boxes" for instant mass-audience commentary.
4. Web LOG is a journal kept on the Internet. This journal is often updated daily and contains all information that the person maintaining the BLOG (the blogger) wishes to share with the world.
5. Like an online dairy. This can be about and be used for anything at all, it can be used for news, reviews, products etc for a business, organization, etc. This is great as it helps the user stay in touch with the website with new and up to date information.
6. A blog is information that is instantly published to a Web site. Blog scripting allows someone to automatically post information to a Web site. The information first goes to a blogger Web site. Then the information is automatically inserted into a template tailored for your Web site.
7. A BLOG is a publication of personal thoughts, experiences, and web links. It is updated frequently and is usually a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the web or in the media. These sites usually consist of commentary on everything from the absolute mundane to the biggest news story.
8. A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.
9. This is a web log or online diary hosted on specific sites such as It offers readers the opportunity to reply to opinions and link to their own blogs.
10. A web-based publication consisting of periodic contributions, often in reverse chronological order.

Now, with that being is SAFE to say, that even though it was a boring read...Jason, your Blog entry about the "Moview Review for Clorverfield"...well it was technically a "BLOG." See #5.

Also, it is SAFE to say, that for whatever reason, someone felt that Cory & April's entry about 'Remembering the Fallen' didn't well...allow me to quote "don't count as a blog," they would be mistaken. See #4.

So with that cleared up...I am going to take a moment to talk about absolutely nothing...because according to #7, I can.


I have a pair of scissors at work and I love them. They are an ergonomically nice fit to my small hands. They had soft padding at the right spots on the inside of the 'holding areas.' They are perfectly sharp, so you don't have to open the scissors up entirely to get to the part of the scissors that would cut your paper. They open and close with ease and are made of a lightweight material that makes using these wonderful scissors an all around ease and pleasure.

I came into work today...and they are GONE. Someone has taken my favorite work scissors away. I have secretly searched for them and have come up empty handed. Although I am sure they are not far off...and I will find them again someday. I do wish to share...that I wish they were here with me now on this cold and rainy Friday. I miss my friend.

and Jason...that my a B L O G as was your movie review. So I apologize, sincerely. *However I do request better comments. Maybe tomorrows Blog post can be about the definition of a comment. :) *heehee*


  1. Leave it to my wonderful wife to Number 1 clariy what a blog is and Number 2 make a blog about an off the wall subject exciting and sad all at the same time. Your are truly a grade A blogger.

  2. Can I just tell you how hard I am laughing!!! Did we just enter a blog war and I didn't know about it? Well if we did, you won!!!! My poor husband just wants to leave funny comments. He tries so hard to be a comedian.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)