
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy VACA Sunday...*updated with TEXT and PICS

April writing...

Hey there everyone! We are still very much enjoying our vacation! Yesterday evening we went and played Mini Golf at this great place called BOOMERS...and got some great pics!!

Then we went out to eat with My Aunt Zelma, Uncle Ray Ray and Grandpa (boy did we really confuse Grandpa when we walked into his house in California! haha)

Yes, this is us in a TREE...haha Uncle Ray Ray's idea :) Too cute though!

We went to eat at Acapulco...and it was yummy. Had a nice time with them and headed home for another kinda early night...seriously I am exhausted, my body is not settling into the time change very well. And I am getting up early too! AHHH!

Well, today we got up and went to Living Waters church, this is the church that Cory grew up in. He got to see alot of his old friends and afterwards we went to a picnic, that was arranged for us by our friend Jacque. (THANKS!) He got to see more old friends and it was a really nice time.

After that, we headed back to our place and hit the beach...

...well for about an hour and half at least. The water...still FREEZING...seriously now I know why everyone wears wetsuits around here, and it's not just for the surfing!!!

We are now getting ready to head over to the Huntington Beach Pier and walk around...

See, here is my proof that the water is FREEZING!!!

And it was really cold outside on the pier 69 degrees...see I had goosebumps!!!

As we were leaving I saw this 80 year old Hydrangea plant...the blooms were as big as my head!!! SO pretty!

then over to The Island for of Cory's favorites. He is knocking on the media room door now to head out! And check this out!!
He was a happy camper*

Later Gators!


  1. Sounds like you're having fun. Miss you!

  2. So I just got caught up on all your vaca-blogging, and I cannot understand how this is the first time you've had IN-n-Out burger. Didn't you LOVE it? It's FANTASTIC!! thE best...

  3. Sounds like you are having so much fun! I wish I could be on Vaca!!! Lucky!!!

  4. PS - LOVE your pic of the surfer... looks liek a professional shot. Good use of the "thirds" rule! ;-)

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    That is so funny. James and I were JUST there in June and saw the same plant! It was the one with the sign infont of it right? How funny! Glad you are having fun!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)