
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our first nights sleep...

April writing...

Well the bed. It sits between that really comfortable but almost too soft feeling...but overall it was a nice nights sleep. We actually went to bed at 10:30 pm. I told Cory, "You gotta be kidding me, first night of vacation and we are already in bed!" (this after already having an hour and half nap after we got into our room at 4pm. But then again, he said, "Well it IS 1:30 our time..." So then I felt a little better about being and old lady and going to bed so early! ha! And as you can see, even after sleeping around 10 hours, APRIL is up before 9 am on a Saturday *gasp* IIIII know!!

Well, we are thinking today is going to be a beach day...Cory is in the room checking out the weather and of course watching the Golf Channel...oh THANKS Beso Del Sol (our hotel) your teased me with having NO sound on ESPN, but the Golf Channel?? Come on really??? haha!

I know you were teased with some pictures in an earlier entry, but last night there was an older gentlemen in the media room (where the computer is) on the computer until WAAAYYY after when the media room is to be closed (10pm...) so basically he stole my idea and I couldn't get on. Now I am just too excited to get my day started to see if I can put some pics maybe that will be for later tonight. If Old-Man-Media-Room doesn't take my idea again!

Love ya's! Thanks for the comments so far...Sorry for any of you in MD I here it's NASTY...and to quote Cory, "Sorry, but you can't see it (or feel it too) from my front door!"

So far today we drove down Pacific Coast Highway and visited Newport and Laguna Beach. We had lunch at a little diner named Ruby's it was SO yummy!! :)

Then we headed back to our place to walk over to the beach. It is cloudy and the sun is barely peeking through. Our trip to the beach didn't last long, it was too cold!! But here is at least ONE pic for ya!

till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for blogging while on vacation!!! I hope this is a great vacation for the both of you with many more pictures to come. Can't wait to see you guys soon!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)