
Friday, July 25, 2008

Leaving on a jet...oh nope! Not yet...

April & Cory writing...

Yeah that's right...first thing this morning I was met with opposition in getting into the grand ol' media guessed it...Old-Man-Media-Room was in here...but I kicked him out. (And by that I mean I hovered in the room till he asked if I needed the computer...but I still got rid of him! *SCORE!*)

Cory and I are checking out of Beso Del Sol and into The Ayers Hotel for our last three days of vacation! We have had a blast so far.

Didn't take many pictures yesterday...We went to take a look at Cory's last California house and to check out Tiger Woods Learning Center. He expected it to be a little bigger he said. We then went to visit some friends of Cory's family, the Hollimans...we had an amazing dinner and great conversation. It was alot of fun.

Now we are headed into Anaheim to check into the Hotel...not positive of the computer situation so this may be the last you hear of us...or not. *insert evil laugh here*. So until next time...

Later Gators!!! *and thanks for all the comments while we have been gone!!!*


  1. COME HOME. I miss you.

  2. Hopefully at your new place there will be no fountain outside to make Cory have to pee. Plus, how good were those cupcakes. I have been wanting one ever since I saw that picture. YUM!!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)