
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seriously...we PUT on sunscreen...

April writing...

Sorry it's been a day or so I think...(Old-Man-Media-Room) has been hogging the computer. boo.

Well I have lots of pictures to share with let's get started shall we?! Let's see, we will go back to Tuesday morning...ZOO day!!! First off we went to Breakfast in the Park for some huge cinnamon rolls...(another place on Cory's list). They were so yummy!

And we got to feed the ducks...they were fun!


Then we drove out to just outside of San Diego for the Zoo's Wild Park (we opted out of the actual ZOO for something different) It was a HOT day!!

But we got to pet these deer like animals....they were totally chill too.

And I got to hold kept trying to eat my shirt haha!

Here we are riding the tram all around the "Africa" portion of the park, we saw Zebra, Rhinos, Giraffes and much more!

Us trying to take a picture with a Lion cub but he was not working well with us haha!
The Wild Park was alot of fun and we did alot of we were pretty exhausted and were ready to head home. On our way we stopped by Saddleback Church (it was HUGE) to look around...and then we headed to Huntington Beach to try and catch the sunset...we were a little late...but still got some cute pictures!!

Yes, it was chilly :)

Now where are we...ahh yes. Wednesday...BEACH day! We were so excited for beach day, but when we got there the water was...well, still cold haha! And the water was really too chopping and wave-y (ha) to swim or even boogie board. Cory tried once and within 3 minutes he was swooped pretty far down beach from where I was sitting...or rather sunning (got plenty of it too!)

So we basically laid out all day...oh boy. And I got a little bored at times, so here are a couple of my fav pics from boredom time with April :)

Big toe.

After our restful and sunny beach day we decided to trek out to take a look at some other beaches that we had been told about. First off was The Wedge. A great place for Body Surfers (that was too cool) and Boogie Boarders. It was really nice.

Here is a Boogie Boarder doing his thing...see how big the waves are?

Here we are leaving The Wedge...there were these really amazing trees all around the beaches...just had to get a pic with them!

Now here we are at Salt Creek so so pretty. The sand was SO soft too.

I got alot of great pics at this are a few...

Of course...
Cory took this one...he is learning :) And doing a great job!

Well, that is about it for Tuesday and Wednesday...we are now looking at a FREE real plans. So we will see what happens...and I will be sure to post more pics later. We miss everyone and here's a special SHOUT OUT to Jason and Brittany...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY today guys!!! We are glad you guys are around! :) Enjoy your special day!
Adios Muchachos!


  1. Looks like you're still having lots of fun! Miss you!

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    awe.. im so glad ya'll are having fun.. i loovvee the pictures. :)
    i like when cory takes pictures.
    cause i picture him just like.. staring & then just like.. trying really hard. i dont know why.

    i love ya'll & miss ya'll.. :)

  3. You are so lucky!!!! Looks like a total ba-last!!!

  4. Awww - you have so many good pictures!! Glad you guys are having a good time.

    So when are you coming home??

  5. So my favorite pic would have to be the one with your names and your flip flops!!!!! WAY TOO CUTE!!!! I believe it deserves a frame or just a really great scrapbooking page! I am so glad that you guys are having such a wonderful time. And I am sure you are not ready to come back home, but hurry!!!! I am so bored without you!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)