
Friday, August 08, 2008

Cupcake Pops...yikes

April writing...

*photos courtesty Cory E.*

OK OK...before you say or think ANYTHING...I didn't read the directions as we were going. (always important)

Here are a few mistakes in the long list of mistakes that were made leading up to the monstrosity you see above.
#1 - too much cream cheese frosting in the mix. too gooey I think.
#2 - we didn't freeze them long enough.
#3 - my flower cookie cutter was too big to make the 'cupcake' shape on the bottom.
#4 - we didn't freeze them before the frosting step.
#5 - we didn't stick the lollipop sticks in before the chocolate dried.
...and it just went DOWN HILL from there...

SO with that said. They have potential. I am going to try again tonight with the leftover cake that I have. We will see how it goes. Lesson learned. Read all the directions before and as you go through the process. Oh well. ha!


  1. ha ha ha - no joke. As I'm looking at the picture, I'm thinking "did they not use the flower cookie-cutter? Did they now shape the cupcakes first? What happened to the sticks?"

    Oh man - that's what happens when yous end me a recipe for something that I'm TOTALLY excited about. ha ha ha

    Let me know if it gets better next time!

  2. I can't help but sigh and slump my shoulders a bit on this one. Stupid directions!!!! Hopefully tonights will turn out a bit better. Good luck!


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