
Friday, August 08, 2008

SYTYCD *Spolier Alert*

April writing...

The So You Think You Can Dance finale was last night...

America decided on their winner...

I had decided that the top two would be...

Katie & Joshua.

I was wrong.

The top two was actually...

Twitch and Joshua.

But I was still happy.

*I am trying to go far enough down for those who haven't seen it yet to realize that I am about to announce the winner and I do not want to ruin it for anyone...*

I hope they have stopped reading...


I am really happy! I liked him alot. I think he always put alot into what he did and he was very well-rounded and just seemed to be an all around nice guy. Granted, Twitch had the 'personality' but I think that Joshua had a pretty funny one too. He was always honest, when it was tough and he did his best. Plus the man had a big booty and wore tight pants on a few occasions! :) haha.

Good for Katie too though...she ended up walking away with $50k!!! (Just for being the last girl in the competition) Man, I bet Courtney is kicking herself. I think that the girl race was pretty tight there at the end. Between Courtney and Katie...they both pretty much kicked butt. Although they got the gayest routine to dance from Tyce Diorio. Why do the guys get cool fighting and energetic routines and the girls get...parasols? Hmmm.

I did enjoy the Russian routine with Joshua and Twitch. And man is Twitch a lucky man, he got to kiss Katie like a woman should be kissed for the second time on stage...haha! Go Twitch.

They showed some other great dances too...Overall it was a good finale. I am glad that Robert Muraine won the "pop-off'. Even though he did QUIT...but he was right, he would have been eaten alive by the likes of Mark, Twitch, Will and Joshua! :)

I am super-duper excited about the tour...coming up on November 10th.

They will be pretty good seats. We sat in section 108 last time...which is one section down and I thought the seats were great. I am SO excited!!

Anywho...that's all for now...check back soon though. I will be posting about our "Cupcake Pop" trial run last night...oh my.


  1. "Oh my" like good? or "Oh my" like bad? HURRY! POOOSSSTTTT!!!

    Ha ha...

    And I can't BELIVE you told me who WON!! Jk... wanted to freak you out for a minute. :-P

  2. You didn't freak me out...I gave PLENTY of warning. AND I know you don't watch it. :)

  3. I was so hoping Twitch would win, I mean I like Joshua but Twitch I liked better.

  4. I don't know why..... but you showing us where the seats are on the chart made me think of Wipeout and all the drawing that they do. WHICH made me die laughing. I am so excited about the tour (though there are not that many dances I am looking forward to.) I really enjoyed the fact that they brought the old dancers back on last night. Really, I just wanted to see my main squeeze. Dom, I love you!!!!

  5. me = hates joshuer


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