
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day One...

April writing...

I start my shots tonight. Yep. Day One of my Follistim injections. I am ubber excited...ehhhh.

I will be sure to take pictures to document my IUI preparing process, because that is just what I do.

I am seriously nervous. I mean up until this point in all our 'trying' it has been for the most part a natural process. But we are no entering into uncharted territory where we are needed a little outside help to, well get the little guys where they need to go.

It's crazy to me to think that literally by October 24th we could be and know that we are pregnant. AHHHHHH! So of course being the girl that I am, all of these thoughts are flooding my brain...are we really ready? Can I handle actually being pregnant? What if we have twins? or triplets? What if it doesn't work? What if it hurts? ehhhhh...

... *sigh*
... *sigh*
... *sigh*

But I have to breath...I really do. I have been great up until this point and I can't let a bunch or random nutty thoughts start bringing me down...

We are positive that this is the next step for the both of us, and we know it will happen in God's timing so...well, I guess we will just buckle up and see where the ride takes us.

I will post more later tonight about my first shot...and a picture too!!!

Till then...cross all your fingers and toes for us...and pray...HARD! :)


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    What exactly are you going to take a picture of? xD

    Hmmm, I think you'll make a good mommy. I definitely don't see why you wouldn't. I'll be praying!!

  2. Will do - but the toes-crossing thing... may not be able to do that one. BUT keep me informed. I'm UBBER interested! ;-)

  3. Sax...I'll take a picture of me giving myself my my tummy...that's where it goes :)


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)