
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh he most certainly DID!

April writing...

This actually happened yesterday, but in all my ick I didn't feel like typing about it.

It happened when I dropped Cory off at home after my trip to the doc's office. He went inside while I moved to the drivers seat. He called out my name and waved for me to come inside. He said, "I will let YOU kill him." Which is always referring to our lovely dog, Pickle. And it usually means he has gotten into the trash. So I get up and walk into the house to find the following horror.

But, before I go there, allow me to remind you of my excitement surrounding my second trip to Amazing Glaze. I was so hopeful that what I would make...(which turned out to be two candy bowls) would turn out better than my glaze smeared plate made in June. And they did. They turned out amazingly great. I was very proud of them.

As you can see....they made a great addition to our side tables...filled with their yummy goodness and looking so pretty. And that is where they have been for now close to a month.

Until yesterday...when I came home to find this...

And the worst part of it is...he didn't even EAT any of the yummy goodness!!!! I am imagining he was sneaking his little self up on the couch (where he knows he is not supposed to be) and then leaning his little hand over to get a snack out of the bowl falls to the ground and he probably immediately thinks..."Oh crap, I am dead." And it is at this point that he completely walks away from the scene of the crime and lays his pretty little self in his bed till our return.

The poor guy...he's been dieting against his will lately (and looking quite good) but it has all been too much and he must feel as though he is being starved. Although he certainly is NOT. He gets fed twice a day...and he scarfs it down like someone is stealing it from him.

Well, when I came in...I certainly handed out some "BAD DOG"s and put him in his time-out spot.

Yep...he won't even look at me. "YOUR THE ONE WHO BROKE MY CANDY DISH!!" I yell back at him...

See...I told ya...yesterday was not a good day. But at least my candy dish breaking wasn't as depressing and scarring as dropping my watermelon...SOME of you will get that.

p.s. - And we know it wasn't Olive, because she was in her crate at the time of the incident.


  1. WHA??? PICKLE! I had no idea you were capable of something like this...

    Wait a minute.. how do we know it wasn't Olive, again? She is a sneaky little devil.

  2. Can you super glue it back together, you didn't throw it away did you?

    Olive was probably in her crate laughing under her breath.....ahahahahahahah Pickle got in trouble....

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Don't you just hate that!? I'm sorry, but I laughed when you said he didn't even bother getting into the candy. Hmmm. Maybe he was actually acting out his true passive-aggressive self?

    Luke, when he was a puppy, got ticked one day when my dad came home shortly then went back to work. So, what did Luke do? He tore up the arm of the love seat (: Don't you just LOVE animals? Ha.

    Well, I truly hope you can mend your very pretty bowl. Blog it if you can ;)

  4. It probably wasn't near as depressing because you know that you can always make another one. That poor watermelon had such meaning to you and held such great memories. Unfortunately you can just never have that back.

    Is pickle still in trouble today?

  5. And for those of you unaware - the "watermelon" she speaks of is not an actual watermelon, but another made-of-clay creation from when she was younger.

    Just ask her about the lips she put on her made-of-clay Bekah! :-P


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