
Friday, September 26, 2008

My Husband Rocks Friday

April writing...

My husband rocks...because he cuddles with me in the morning!

Well, for as much as I tease him about this lately, I must say I love it. With Cory's crazy shift, he gets home about the time I am waking up...well give or take an hour! :) I am usually by this time, pretty warm and cozy and comfortable...and lately we have had the windows open so it has been extra chilly in the morning. (but oh how I love it!) Anywho...he gets undressed (out of his monkey suit) and by then he is really chilly! (his wittle self gets cold so easily)

So he crawls into bed with his frigid hands and feet...oh who am I kidding, he is freezing!! And he then decides that I am perfectly warm enough to warm him up in 15 seconds flat and then proceeds to wraps himself around me as tight as he can. And even though it takes my breath away (and not in the good, romantic way either...) I still love that moment alone in the mornings when I can snuggle with my hubby and give him the warmth that I have been cooking up all night. So the 15 seconds of freezing cold hubby squeezing quickly melts into a quiet, warm cuddle party that I actually look forward to each morning.

*sigh* just another reason to love FALL!


  1. how sweet :) even if it is a little chilling, lol! :) have a great weekend!

  2. Ha ha - I love that, too! When Kyle is HERE, that is... oh the few minutes we get together...

  3. You are the best heater a man can have.

  4. awwwww. That is so sweet. I wish my hubby were cold from time to time. Dude is a furnace and there for I'm always telling him to get off me. I know....terribly romantic. :)


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