
Friday, September 26, 2008

It was bound to happen...

April writing...

I am back. It's one of those days people. I am talking, slow beyond slow day. I waited as long as I could for my lunch break too, so the day wouldn't drag along any slower...I went to Ross, Old Navy and Target and didn't spend a dime. (Cory, insert your super proud comment here...for as frugal as I am, I usually don't make it out of Target without buying something right?!)


oh, and I tried them on again too. Why do I do that to myself? *sigh*

I wonder what tonight holds? I have thought in my mind that I would do a little planning, but nahhh. I know we don't have anything to DO per say. Laundry is is clean (although I did miss my weekly vacuuming this week, I need to do that...probably after Cory heads to work....or maybe not. heehee)

I DO know that we have LOTS of TV to watch. just under a week both DVR's are like 56-59% full. EEEEKK! haha! I better make a good dinner and settle down on the couch a while...cause we still got good shows a comin'!

I also need to continue studying my Baby Signs ™ curriculum and manual. I have already looked at the self-test...and I am eager to make sure I know all the information. I also am going to start learning the signs this weekend. I still have about another week or so of training in front of me, but I am gearing up as quickly as possible to start my business. So, if anyone is interested in teaching their babies to sign, hit me soon as I am all set up, I will be gladly looking for customers!

*sigh* I guess I must get back to work or something. Maybe I will just sit here and read my training manual. Seriously the PHONE isn't even ringing....



  1. Word to your mother...

    ...and to your Baby Signs™ business. ;-)

  2. I puffy heart love my crammed full DVR!!!! :) And new fall shows.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)