
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rainy Saturday afternoon

April writing...

I'm just sitting here in the office while my hubby is sleeping and my doggies are happily licking their kongs (filled with peanut butter).

Cory and I went to see "Fireproof" today with a whole bunch of people from church. It was pretty decent, I mean we aren't talking Oscar worthy performances or anything, however and award should be given for directly delivering a positive message in a positive way. I applaud the makers of the movie for their determination to make positive family films that aren't cheesy and stupid. This one actually had me laughing quite a bit. I was glad we went, now we will be starting some follow up marriage classes following some of the key points from the movie, it should be interesting. Cory and I love all that marriage class stuff. We find that preventative maintenance in a marriage is just as important as with your health, car or your home!!

When we came home, Cory hopped back into bed. Seeing as how the movie fell right in the middle of his 'night', he had to still get about 5-6 more hours of sleep before work tonight. So I decided to jump on the computer and check my email, myspace and tweet a little (Twitter). Our windows have been open for a week or so now and I heard a little splashing outside the office window. Which could only mean a few things...
1. We have big birds having a pool party
2. It's raining BIG raindrops
3. Olive has found a mud puddle.

I immediately deduced that it was #3. So I grabbed my camera, my goulash's and headed into the backyard. Here is what I found!!

Olive in the Rain (9-27-08) from April Eslick on Vimeo.

Yepp. So of course after that...she needed a bath...*sigh* She is a crazy, crazy dog I tell ya!

Well on to the rest of my evening. I made a little Salad and Lemon Pepper Flounder for myself for I am waiting on someone to come pick up a TV that they are buying from us, I'll read my book on the front porch for a little while, since it seems the weather is finally not so WET! Till next time!

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Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)