
Thursday, September 25, 2008

These are GOURD-GEOUS!

April writing...

So I am meandering slowly around the pumpkin patch, trying to pick out the perfect pumpkins to carve each year. Always plump, perfectly orange ones for Cory and I and sweet little white ones for Pickle (and this year one for Olive too!) *and no, I don't have genius dogs that can carve their own pumpkins, we just do one for them!*

Usually as I wander...I come across funky little gourds. They look like the runts of the pumpkins, the ugly-misshapen step children per say. I have always thought to myself, self..."What would I ever do with those horrendous things?!"

Well I finally found it, and to be quite honest I am really LOVING the idea!

I mean, how great are these?
How creative?!

What a wonderful fall decor addition?

And there are even ways to include the not so perfect pumpkins, the ones in the misshapen, clearance isle.

This one is my pretty?!

I know I am eager to make some...I will let you know how they turn out!!! If you know of any places with great prices on gourds and pumpkins, let me know!!!


  1. SHUT UP!!! I wana do it, too, especially that one with the lillies. OH WOW!!!

    Count me on for the gourds (sp?). Shall we go-a-gourd-hunting?

  2. Not only do I want to find a pumpkin patch to pick out some great things for this family but I think we should go to an apple orchard too!!!! What a fun fall experience!

    Can't wait to see what you create once you do find your gourds and get your flowers! Maybe you can use it for Thanksgiving too!

  3. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Oh, those are really lovely! I guess there is something good about fall after all =P It makes me want to decorate the house with pumpkins and flowers! Ha, I'm sure the dogs and the cat would have a field day getting in them.


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