
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why don't you marry it - Part 2

April writing...

I seriously love salads. There is nothing else as crisp and nice as a good salad...except maybe the Fall air...which is also sometime, I love enough to marry!

but salads...oh yumm. Here are a few of my favorite must-haves on any good salad (and also depending on my mood):
  • crisp, green lettuce
  • spinach
  • cucumbers (which I hope to home grow next year)
  • green grapes
  • dried cranberries
  • bacon bits (and I actually prefer the fake ones, they are crunchier)
  • shredded cheddar cheese
  • cottage cheese (on the side)
  • broccoli
  • warm grilled chicken
  • ranch (or just regular plain) croutons
  • santa fe seasoned crispy tortilla strips (you know, when I feel sassy)

and the topper...

  • ranch dressing
I mean, it immediately puts me in heaven. Today I was so excited for my salad (lunch) that I ate it at 11:30 *sheepishly smiling* I enjoyed lettuce, cucumbers, bacon bits, cheese, ranch dressing and santa fe crispy toritlla strips. YUMM!!! And all in my Fit-n-Fresh Salad Shaker.


So what's on your salad??

p.s. - yep, I totally did a whole blog dedicated to salads...what!


  1. Oooh.... you've officially mad eme want one!!!

    you see - my salad needs/wants depend on my mood. I have two basic salad loves:

    1 - the ranch dressing salad, to include: iceberg lettuce, croutons, bacon, sometimes some good ol' chicken on top, and cottage cheese on the size (must be a Sharpe thing) with crackers to accompany.


    2 - the greek dressing salad, to include: romaine and mixed green lettuce (the kind that looks like rabbit food), croutons (sometimes), feta and permesean cheese, onions, tomatos (sometimes, not always), and pepper to taste.


  2. I love salads!!!! I have so many that I like... I agree with the ranch dressing salads except i like the real bacon bits. And then I love a summer salad with strawberries, blueberries, and mandarin oranges with a poppyseed dressing! Or a salad with chicken, cheese, sour cream and salsa! Since I have been home from the hospital i have had like 4 salads. And now I am wanting another.

  3. Salads are great. My salad pretty much has the same as my wife except cottage no where around. Salads are deffinately contagious too. Just by talking about them you want them.


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