
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I've dropped by twice already...

April writing...

I've come to blog two times already this morning, but I haven't been ready to I guess. I have been out of it, like, majorly this weekend.

I can sum up my weekend in 5 pictures...
LOTS of these...
Alot of this...

alot of slathering on of this great stuff...
LOTS and LOTS of this...

And of course alot of this... say the least I have been SICK...

It was horrible. By the end of it all I also have a stinkin' ear infection! However, I wake up today...and it all seems to be leaving me...slowly...but still. It's leaving me.

I am coughing like nobodies business, but hoping that all the ick is just wanting to jump out of I am helping it along!!! (all the while covering my hands in hand sanitizer after every cough!) I am not trying to spread my germs around work!!!

IN other GOOD health related news...we have ONE large follicle working it's way out! (I would have liked to seen more...but hey...ONE is better than NONE, so that works for me!) I saw my Doc yesterday and we saw my large follicle during the backwards sonogram and he said it is all looking good! He increased my dose of Follistim to 75 units, as he wants to see my Estrogen level increase a little bit more as well. So I am upping my dose and I am scheduled to see him again Wednesday morning. Hopefully then we will know when the IUI is scheduled!!!!

I am getting so excited!!! I feel really positive about it all...and we are just ready to give this a go! We will see what is in store for us!!


  1. Awww!!! I am praying that you will be well again soon! And that the IUI is a complete success the first go round!!!

  2. You must get better soon!! Tess is starting to get a complex.

  3. Hope you're feeling better!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)