
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Exactly ONE year ago today...

April writing...

It's been ONE FULL, LONG year...since mom had her 5-bypass heart surgery. ONE year since we said one of the worst "goodbye's" ever. Not knowing how she would pull through, was excrutiating and it was a loooonnggg day!!

...but she DID pull through...seeing her all tied down with tubes and iv's and hooked to a monitor was not easy. I think Bekah took it the hardest, I mean we were all terrified...but Dad, Sarah and I tried our hardest to be strong for Bekah. We all still had so much to share with Mom...Bekah, graduating from High School...Sarah, getting married in one month...April, having children...and even Dad...thier 30th Wedding Anniversary was just around the corner!!!

She will get to see it all!!!

She saw Sarah get married...November 10th, 2007!

She got to celebrate yet another Christmas with her family!

She celebrated 30 years of wedded bliss to a man that, since her surgery she has fallen in love with again...thanks to his support and drive to get better!

She celebrated another Mother's Day with her daughters...we are so thankful for her!

And this coming year she see her baby, Bekah graduate High School and hopefully get to meet some grandchildren of her own!

She has given us so much strength when I am sure she thought she had none left to give. She has lost 45 pounds since her surgery and was the main drive for me to lose weight and get in shape too! She continues to be just as sassy and spunky as ever! We are so blessed and thankful to have Mom with us every day!
Mom, I am not sure what I would do if I didn't have you in my life, and if I don't say it enough...I mean it...I LOVE YOU MOM!!!
Thanks for pulling through, thanks for being the ROCK in our family, the GLUE that holds us together...thanks for giving me someone to look up to every day!!!
Happy ONE YEAR *NEW MOM* Anniversary!!! Here's to MANY, MANY, MANY more!!!


  1. I totally loved this blog. And would agree that your mom is all you said she is (from what I can remember from all those years ago). She is an awesome person and so glad that she made it through. God Bless!!!

  2. I just can't believe that it has been a year already! I am constantly amazed at your mom and her determination to NEVER been in that place again! Go Angie!!!!

  3. Great Blog baby. I am impressed that you did this and scheduled it to post. I am so happy that everything turned out ok. I can't imagine not having the glue that holds our family together. We love you Angie.

  4. Geesh, I am work and just checked out all my daily reading blogs and WOW.........that's a good one. I am so blessed to have such a great family! God has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband, wonderful daughters who I can call my friends and truly wonderful sons that I will have for the rest of my life, and now I will have a long one, I love you all very much and there is no way that I can tell you enough how proud I am of you!!

    Geesh, and now I have to dry the tears and get back to work. (of course there are tears, didn't you, and it wasn't even a bout you). GEESH Thats okay I work with great bunch of people who understand, too.

    Thank God, my life is wonderful and I thank him everyday that I am stil around to enjoy all that he has for me.

    And, yes, I will have those grandchildren to play with.

  5. April, I wish so many people I know could see the words you've placed in this blog as a tribute to your mom. Thank God for the gift of time you've all been granted with that wonderful person called Angie, who has touched more lives than she knows. May others know this level of gratitude for their moms and never experience terrible pain that comes with losing them.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)