
Friday, October 03, 2008

My Husband Rocks Friday

April writing...

My husband rocks because he has been soo supportive during this IUI process. I started my injectables on Tuesday evening...and I wanted to take picture so badly! I begged and pleaded with him to hang in there and take some pictures (even if he had to do it on continuous so he could cover his eyes!) I got some great shots and he was right there with me.

On Wednesday I decided to spare him and just do the shot myself. Well, it hurt a little and when I told him he says, "Oh baby you should have told me you were doing your shot, I would have come in there with you!" So even though he hates needles and especially watching me give myself one, he would have come in and stood with it warm-body support! Yesterday, he stood with me while I did it!

Thanks my sweets for being so great! Maybe this time we will get our BABY...then all your great support will REALLY kick in huh?! :) I Love You!

How does YOUR husband rock? Join the blogroll....head over to Katy Lin's page and find out how to join in on the fun!


  1. Yay!! Come on little nieces and nephews!!

  2. Good luck this cycle!

  3. That's awesome that he is so supportive and concerned. LOVE it!
    He ROCKS!

  4. I don't suppose there's a 'My Fiance Rocks Friday" Is there?!?!?! ;-) Good Luck girl!!!

  5. awww . . . what a sweetheart! praying for you guys! :) have a wonderful weekend!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)