
Monday, January 26, 2009

Dinner for Four and Half

Cory Writing......

Recipe ..... Ingredients

Meatballs before.............Meatballs during......

Meatballs After.
I have started a new goal where I make dinner on one of my days off. This was the third consecutive week that I have accomplished my new goal. The first week I made stuffed green peppers and the second week I did chicken stuffed shells. This week my wife suggested stuffed chicken breasts, I immediately turned her down because it was boring and didn't fit my rules of cooking (that I forgot to inform her the rules before she picked out the recipe). So I arrived home an pulled out the cook book and found the above recipe. Which is meatball subs. (I added curly fries as the side because we needed one).
I invited our good friends Jason, Brittany, and Tessie (but she didn't eat) to be my guinea pigs. They all said it was good and I enjoyed it also. So Dinner for Four and a half was a success.

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