
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm feeling the itch...

April writing... get organized.

I know what you are thinking...those who know me well enough that is. "April, you are already pretty organized...what's left to organize?"

Well the answer my friend is blowing in the answer is that ALOT needs organizing still. While there have been many projects in our home over the past few still seems as though there are many more projects to come. While we wait, gather the funds and the seems more projects creep up.

...then in the meantime things get left "undone" such as, filing, purging, decorating and organization.

Here are a few of the un-organized thorns-in-my-side:
  • Office filing cabinet - this area is actually pretty well kept. I mean I add the papers to their proper folders and all, but the cabinet is packed. Half of the stuff is old enough that we can shred or pack away in the attic filing boxes. It's just a bear of a job...that I have been putting off.
  • The attic - When we bought this house we were lucking enough to have a wide open attic that is accessible via a stairway. So there is SO much room and SO much junk up there. I need desperately to go through it all...organize it (so things are easy to find) and get rid of all the junk that we haven't laid our eyes on in years! Another bear of a job...that we have to do during mild weather...because there is no insulation up if it's cold outside, it's cold up there and if it's hot up's HOT up there.
  • The kitchen - When we remodeled the kitchen, we added like double the cabinet space...and while every nook-n-cranny is in's not necessary. There are tons of kitchen items that I NEVER touch. And why take up the space if you don't need to. Sell it all I say!
  • The basement - Specifically in the area of the pantry and my temp-craft-space. I have cleaners next to cans of good and paper products next to marshmallows...and it all just bugs me. And my temporary craft space...there is alot of stuff I could get rid make room for a newer hobby (sewing). Plus I just have alot of scrapbook stuff that I will not use. Another yard sale booster...hobby misc.

So those are my buggers. I CAN get it all done...I just need the energy, the time and the drive to do it. I had the best of intentions to take care of a couple of these jobs on my Christmas vacation, but I was sick...the entire week. So now that has pushed my plans farther into the present and springtime...which is no good either. I want to be spending that time working on my GARDEN!

Anywho...maybe putting it out there like this will push me to just take baby steps and little bites out of each job as I get the time.

So early spring...probably the beginning of April...swing by my house on any given Saturday...we will have lots of LOOT for sale. :)

What's your un-organized space? What's keeping you from getting it done?


  1. Ok so mine is... My kids rooms!! We have Christmas and then both the boys birthdays... so the toys get built up and typically after their birthdays we go through their toys and give the old ones to families who could use them. Well this time I have to pack up the whole house and go through all of the toys. It's just hurting my brain thinking about it.

  2. Ok so mine is... My kids rooms!! We have Christmas and then both the boys birthdays... so the toys get built up and typically after their birthdays we go through their toys and give the old ones to families who could use them. Well this time I have to pack up the whole house and go through all of the toys. It's just hurting my brain thinking about it.

  3. Mine is my spare bedroom! But why can't we get it done? Because we can't really get into our attic. And it's not as simple as buying a ladder, either. we have to go up ther eand lay down some flooring, ebcuase it's just beams, right now. THEN we have to put up some dry-wall, because our neighbor smokes, and I don't want all of our stuff in the attic to smell like... well... lung cancer!

    so, my spare room is more like storage / Austin's room, at the moment, instead of the spare bedroom / office that I want SO DESPERATELY for it to be. And I can't STAND it any long! COME ON SPRING!! We've got WORK to do!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)