
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chalk this up as completely random

April writing...

I recently dumped my old Shampoo + Conditioner...Pantene. As much as I loved it's clean fragrance and dual cleaning/conditioning power...I was seduced by a new fragrance.

The soft, flowery, clean fragrance that is Herbal Essences new Hydralicious Collection.

The smell is simply to die for and my hair...has the softness I have longed for! I're asking yourself, "And this deserved a blog post?" Well, yes it did. That's how I roll. A good shampoo and conditioner set is a dream in any woman's book. Try to tell me otherwise ladies...I propose you are then missing out. :)

Women.... Who made 'em? God must have been a... genius. Their hair. They say that the hair is everything, you know? Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls, and just wanted to go to sleep forever? ~Bo Goldman, "The Start of an Education," made popular by the movie Scent of a Woman


  1. YES! I bought that stuff too and have used it for like 2 weeks... I Love It!

  2. Dude - I go back and forth, switching off between Pantene and Herbal essences. It's my technique. So good choices!!

  3. You changed your page again, must have been bored at work huh? Looks great! Bekah and I have been using Sam-E (it was given to us by my boss, she bought it on QVC....WHEW!!)

  4. I LOVE your new layout an all.. I absolutely love the whole brown and pretty much any color theme. You might have to teach me how to do this stuff. LOL

  5. I just wish she would pick a shampoo. There are so many bottles in my shower that their almost isn't any room to shower.

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Haha, I haven't had herbal essence in a while now. I think since last summer I've using fructis. I kinda miss the smell good yumminess of herbal essence, ha.

  7. Now that, Cory, is completely untrue. There is my new shampoo and conditioner, your shampoo, one bottle of shave gel and two big bottle of conditioner. So if anything I should just get rid of those last two...gesh. You're so dramatic :)

  8. I just switched from HE to Dove Energize and I must say that I love this new Dove. It has wonderful citrus scents to it which make me smile. But I am sure I will be getting a coupon soon for HE and I will have to try this new wonderful product.


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