
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing....

My simple pleasure today is watching a baby just hang out. I have been feeling just yucky the last week or so. I can't seem to get rid of this sickness that I got Premiere weekend, but last night we went to Chick-Fil-A like we do every Wednesday. I sat next to Tessie and everyone was eating, but I wasn't because of my ickyness. So I just kind of watched Tessie hang out in her car seat. She sat there happy as a clam playing with her little hanging toys and playing with her tongue. She just looked so peaceful without a care in the world. Oh to be 5 months old again.

What is your simple pleasure this week?


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Can we say coffee? (:

  2. that's can be 5 months old again...but I WON'T be changing THOSE diapers!!

    My Simple Pleasure is blueberry muffins. I made a batch for me to take to work for breakfast...they are just so simply good. Yumm.

  3. Post it notes: I'm housesitting somewhere new, and keep finding post-it notes to help me find my way around. The best ones -- one on the pantry that says "Regina Food," and one on the mirror in the master bathroom that says "Regina's pretty face."

    It almost makes me forget the 2 hour commute I had this morning. (Silly rush hour!)

  4. My simple pleasure for this week would have to be my camera. It allows me to keep our families updated on what little miss is doing. Yeah for technology!

  5. A simple pleasure that I often take for granted is waking up head-ache free and well rested.


    Oh to be headache free and well-rested again.

  6. PS - April I LOVE the new header!!

  7. Simple pleasure...being a blessing to others even when I didn't know how much I would be.

  8. My simple pleasure... is having my husband working from home. I love being with him all day but I know that soon he most likely wont be able to work from home.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)