
Friday, February 27, 2009

My Husband Rocks Friday

April writing...

This is going to be a total simpleton post...but for those of you who hate dishes and vacuuming as much as I do...then you will understand.

God gave me the perfect man...he likes...we at least doesn't mind doing those two things. Last night, we had a group of teens over from the Youth Group and I needed to vacuum the house before, and then do the dishes once the evening was over. He did both of those is just such a load off!!!

Thanks babe for liking the chores I hate :)

How does YOUR Husband (*or signifigant other) ROCK?


  1. Congrats for finding your perfet man! :) In our house we have a rule-- If I have to do the dishes after dinner (which I'm in charge of cooking), Hubby has to rub my back and shoulders while I'm standing at the sink. It's a great opportunity to chat because he's a captive audience! lol...

  2. I have to and will always admit that I am, at times, not that most easiest person to deal with and I have to thank God that my honey has the patience to deal with me during those times. If he didn't have the patience that he does, I probably would see a Steve shaped hole in a door or wall somewhere.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)