
Friday, February 27, 2009

s h a r e

April writing...

So I did a little more digi-scrappin' today! Here they are! :) Enjoy!

Mon Amie 12x12 Layout
Just a Phase 12x12 Layout
Splash 12x12


  1. That is right I am reppin' Glen Dirty like a man.

  2. I have to say that each one of these is very cute or interesting in some way or another...i.e. Cory "reppin'" Glen Burn-out like he stated above.

    PS: I like Malorie's middle name. I know someone else who gave her daughter that middle name too, very cool name!

  3. Adore my little ladybugs... but I LOVE Cory's page. Too funny.

  4. These are WAAYYY cute... minus the one of your Redneck husband. It doesn't quite fit into the "cute" category...


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