
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mrs. New Plants

April writing...

I just bought two new plants at Lowe's on my lunch break. I am terribly excited to plant them tonight! (I know...I am totally a dork...but whatev.)

They are the Debutante Camellia and the Valley Valentine Pieris.

This is the Valley Valentine Pieris. It's such an interesting plant. It stays evergreen (check), it flowers (check) and it requires little maintenance (check).

This is the Debutante Camellia. I am really excited about this one. It stays evergreen (check), it flowers (check), and requires little maintenance (check). And not only does it flower...but they say it flowers from November-March...during the WINTER months. So I am really excited about garden will still look FAB in the DRAB cold months!

What are you excited about planting this year? Are you a gardener?


  1. The first ones remind me of bluebell's... but pink. And I LOVEEEEEEE the second one. It is too pretty.

  2. Lokos great, did you say trees? Or are they kinda like bushes (small). I would like something like this in my flower bed in the front yard. Think it will work. Are they pricey?


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