
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

we agree...

April writing...

Cory and I have been discussing back and forth...about our blog. Over the past two-three weeks I have gotten some random emails from someone who I feel knows a bit too much about us...through our Blog. With Cory's profession, he takes strange correspondence pretty seriously...and after our last one, where the person spoke about driving by to check out our planter in order to give us some ideas...I was a little flipped out.

We discussed it and decided that it would probably be best to take a break from blogging for a while. We will let 2SlicksGoodTimes sit for the weekend and then remove it come Monday morning. Maybe in a few months, when things have died down we will come back. Possibly just using nicknames, instead of so much personal information.

I never really thought that we were extremely personal on our blog...but somehow someone has claimed to have found us and driven by our that's it for me. I have already had one peeping-creepy in our window late at night...adding more fun to that mix would be the last thing I would want.

So with that...Cory will write his goodbye later today (when he wakes up)...but for now...from's been GREAT having each of you *normal, sane, non-creepy* people follow us. Most of you are close friends so you will see us and hear from us in person. For my bloggy friends...if you would like to stay in touch...just shoot me an email. I will certainly keep up with your blogs as well.

It's the end of an era.
Thank you and good-day.

APRIL FOOL'S!!!!!!!!!
*cheese* :)
You didn't think that some creepy-creepy had contacted us and I hadn't blogged about it already, do you?

*heehee* we are HERE to stay.


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    That was almost as good as my poo icecream cone! o: xD

  2. Ridiculous! You scared me for a minute!

  3. man i really believed you!

  4. To be perfectly honest, I was like "whaaa?? There's no way their actually doing this. Is it April- yep. Today is April Fools day. There's no way this is real"

    *scroll* *read* *scroll*

    I KNEW it!! ha ha... it was good, though. Well thought out, big sis!

  5. I am already leary about this blog stuff for that reason so I was right there with ya. I learn so much about my family reading their blogs, it can't go away. That's a bit sad huh? Anyway, glad you are nto going anywhere! That was a really good one though!

  6. You really had me going. I honestly thought that you had a creepy-creep stalkin' ya guys or something. I mean, seeing as I have called the cops once on some stranger looking into the cars of out neighborhood and then someone watching me a little too close the other night...this was believable to me. Good one!

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You almost had me and then I thought.... she so would have told me this last night. Good one!!!!!!

  8. GAH! I totally fell for it!!!! You got me!

  9. Ugh! You totally had me! Especially since I haven't been on in a while and was busy catching up! You really caught me off guard! HA! BTW, Happy Anniversary! You guys seem to have the BEST time together!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)