
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day 2009

April writing...

So tomorrow is Earth Day and I bet you are sitting there just asking yourself, "What can I do to make our Earth a greener, happier place to be?

Well...I have come across a few ideas to help you and your family celebrate Earth Day 2009. Have fun and be sure to let me know what special things you did!!

Creative Ideas:
Simple Ways to Go Green:
  • Save water by decreasing your shower time -- or rather take a bath, which uses less water than a shower.

  • Get in the habit of brushing your teeth with the water off, and encourage your children to do so, as well.

  • Recycle – junk mail, cell phones, paper products, plastic bags, and more.

  • Forget the electric or gas dryer, and hang dry your clothing.

  • Opt for direct deposit, online banking, and paperless statements to reduce your paper usage.

  • Try your hand at composting (planting scraps from fruits, veggies, and coffee grounds outside), which will help create better soil and less landfill waste.

  • Don’t purchase disposable water bottles, but rather use recyclable (and refillable) beverage containers that you can fill with filtered water.

  • Unplug all of your appliances when you leave the house to save energy (and prevent a fire hazard).

  • Save stained or ill-fitting clothing to use for dusting and cleaning.

  • Use rechargeable batteries -- Duracell now has a line of pre-charged rechargeable batteries! DONATE!!

  • Purchase used items from thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, and more.

  • Buy groceries in bulk, as it reduces packaging and the number of trips you take to the grocer. Purchase a membership to a wholesale club, such as Costco or BJ’s.

  • If possible, buy items that use less packaging.

  • Purchase locally produced food at farmer’s markets and even road-side stands. Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of jarred, canned, or frozen.

My plan for Earth Day (well let's refer to it as Earth Week, as Wednesday itself is far too busy for add any other activities) to pick up a compost bin from our local Recycling Center and possibly purchase my Weeping Cherry Tree. That checks off two Earth Day creative activities for us! What are your Earth Day ideas?


  1. You can also go see the movie "Earth" that premiers on Wednesday.

    Disney is going to plant a tree in the Brazilian Rain Forest for every ticket bought during the opening week.

    Cool right?

  2. Jacque1:35 AM

    As some of these are very good suggestions I would have to say some are not... my favorites would be hang drying clothes and unplugging all appliances!! I am thinking I really like the cereal box/ magazine rack idea!!

  3. If I hug a tree, will that count??


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)