
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mental Ride-A-Long

Cory Writing...

Let me essplain the title of this blog. I responded to a pretty serious call the other night and after the incident I thought it would be neat to blog about my thoughts while responding to the call and while on the call. So you are going on a Ride-A-Long through my brain.

Here is the disclaimer.... If you don't want to know the thoughts I have when I am on a very serious call then don't read any further because this could scare you...

The call was for a drunk subject acting strange and waving a gun around. The person calling was the girlfriend of the subject and she fled the house to a nearby neighbors house. She was calling from the neighbors house, so she couldn't tell us what the subject was doing. That was everything we had to go on.

My thoughts while responding to the call. The first thought I had was this could get ugly and I hope I get down there before they approach the house, so I can be involved.

My second thought was about the fellow Law Enforcement Officer's that were tragically killed in the line of duty on a similar call in Pennsylvania. (story link I read the stories of fallen officers, so I can learn and improve my tactics. The only thing I can do to honor the sacrifice other officers make is to learn from their incidents and not become a victim myself.

I finally arrived at the location where we decided to meet to formulate a plan of attack. We strategically planned our approach, so we wouldn't become victims. We all got into our vehicles and approached the scene.

We arrived on the scene and spoke to the girlfriend and got enough information to try and make contact with the individual. We set up around the house and I made sure I continually reminded myself to stay behind cover because he was supposedly armed with a rifle. We were able to talk the guy out of the house and the incident was safely resolved without incident. It was a very successful conclusion.

Shortly after the incident I ran into my Sgt and we talked about the incident. He said to me his first thought when the call came out was about the officer's in Pennsylvania because the call was eerily similar. I told him I had the same exactly thought. Interesting.

I hope you enjoyed experiencing this call through my thoughts. Let me know what you think.


  1. Oh that left me wanting more...It seemed like you only shared what was going through your mind like twice...I know from hearing the story that more had to be going on. You can tell us! We can handle it!! :)

  2. You should do this more often, Cory. That was pretty cool!

  3. i liked this!!!!! can u post another one.

  4. Anonymous10:45 PM

    loved this- not surprised, your blog is so entertaining! God Bless you both! =0)

  5. Anonymous10:46 PM

    LOVED it- love all your entries, you're noth really entertaining! God bless!!

  6. Thanks for the support guys. I will try to post these as I get them. There was more that I thought but I suffered a little writters block.

  7. Nikki Jomidad1:05 PM

    I'm glad it ended peacefully...

    Every night before I go to work, I pray that God will protect each and every one of you... those of you that I know personally and all of you that I don't.

    I know that police officers don't get to hear thank you's very often and that protecting people is just part of your job but... thank you for doing what you do, and based on your story, for doing it so well!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)