
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I really wanna decorate...

April writing...

I have been feeling the itch...and it doesn't help to drop by "Home Goods" on my lunch break! haha!

So I went by today and I found a couple beauties that I LURVE!!!

This picture...I think it would look awesome in our room...(well once the room is decorated) we are still in a holding pattern there!!

And this!!!
I just wish I had room in my home for it (and probably my wallet too, I didn't even LOOK at the price!) I just think it's so great!!!

I did make ONE purchase...(well tech two, but the other one is just a clothes basket for our towels... but that's boring.)

Look at this print!!! AHHH! I mean I already love all things 'Damask!' I have been looking and looking for replacement pillows for our living room couches, the ones that came with it are, well, uh...modern-80's to say the least.

I saw this project over at BowerPower. I knew that I wanted to give it a try, especially since I would probably have more luck finding place mats that would go well in my living room, rather than actual pillows!

And I did.

So I am going to give it a shot and see if I can get some great throw pillows from these great place mats! Project photos coming soon!!

So what projects do you have planned???

1 comment:

  1. NONE!! We're SO ready for a "project" break after all of our bathroom drama.

    However *comma* I have some GREAT decor ideas I want to try... so that's not going to be put on hold. No way!! I like your idea with the pillowcases - I had similar thoughts with that and sham pillowcases that I could cut down and make into couch pillows. LOVING the tutorial for the help. Now I just need a sewing machine... hmm...


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