
Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Moan

Cory Writing...(Yes I am partially back)

My Monday Moan for this week is about Court. We have these things at work called Court Scheduled. We fill out these schedules for what day we want to have court on. These forms go to the court and they are supposed to put your court on those dates, well that doesn't always work and this week will be one of those time. All my court dates for this month have passed, but I have court today, tomorrow and on Wednesday. So I will work from 11 pm to 730 am and then head off to court until whenever my cases are done. Lovely.

What is your Monday Moan?


  1. Well yeah...I would have to say my Monday Moan for this week is making my own lunch. But it's kinda weird. While I LIKE packing my own way of picking out what I want, etc...I would still rather have someone make it for me :) I guess I could be smart and just make my lunch while I am making Cory's...then it would be problem solved...hmmm.

  2. I'd have to say mine, for this week, is how because of someone ELSE'S screw-up, I STILL dont' have a bathroom vanity... meaning no sink or ANYTHING in my full bath. It sucks having to wash your hands in the BATHtub everytime you pee. And I'm SO done with it!!

  3. Waiting. We went out to dinner for Father's Day and were given a "30-35 minute" wait time. No biggie. But after an hour...

    (P.S. - It was still a great day.)

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    my moan...grumpy people...I mean, seriously; I get grumpy but I do not take it out on least I try really to keep to myself. I just don't get it...I didn't do anything wrong but yet I'm wrong??? Oh Well, I guess not much I can do about it except wait for it to pass by.


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)