
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

IVF Update

April writing...

I will keep this short and sweet for those that are wondering. About two weeks ago I spoke with the Nurse at my RE Doc's office and it wasn't great news, but it's news. We were really excited about starting IVF at the end of this month. Well, yet again...that has been postponed.

I am over their recommended BMI. So I need to lose at least 10-15 pounds before we can start IVF. So, for me it was a huge let down. Especially seeing as how I had at one point in 2007 lost 34 pounds. I have since gained it all back. A huge letdown to myself and to the IVF plans, but I know God is in control...and even in this situation...I have lessons to learn and there is a better time to start the IVF process for us.

So our chins are up, we have new plans and are continuing to trust God...and to eat better and exercise! :)

I haven't quite nailed down a solid eating/diet plan yet, but it is in the works. I am doing some research for the best aerobic and weight training that I need, and meal planning to decrease my calorie and fat intake.

So there you are...all updated on the IVF deal. One day right?? Gotta stay positive!


  1. Yep - you'll get there and it'll all be SO worth it when you do. Rock on!!

  2. I will support you in anyway I can. I need to get myself motivated, too so maybe I'll use the motivation of being a healthy Grandmother!

  3. Hi there - hope you don't mind, I just came across your blog in my travels. I also was over my clinics BMI limit so had to lose 13 kilos - but it is doable, especially when you know there is a big reward at the end of it - the chance to conceive :) Good luck with it xx


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)