
Thursday, August 27, 2009

What I am up to...till 1 am

April writing...

My new obsession.

The girlies and I have been up till all hours having fun on this webcam site!

This was our first night together.

It started out innocent enough... got a little crazy...

It was so much fun! Tonight, as we speak I am chattin' with Bekah, Mom, Kaity, Mandy and Sarah!

I get very little sleep...but what else is new.

I used to stay up this late just veggin' or doing laundry.

but this....

is FAR more exciting!

*note* names and chat window's have been cut out to protect the names and privacy of those crazy girls involved! :)


  1. I'm sad... you cut my silly face off. *tear

    And PS: Did you change your office around? It looks diff...

  2. haha I'll have to try this!!

  3. HA! I'm so glad you appreciated the Anne Shirly ref. I debated putting it in since I thought some of the readers wouldn't get it. But then I decided, if you weren't cool enough to be in the inner cirlce, then you didn't need to get it! I am actually reading the series now. I've never done it. The first book is SHOCKINGLY like the movie. Actual pieces of dialogue from the book are in the movie. Really cool!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)