
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Ann with an 'e'...

April writing...

Thanks to Heather over at Live From MO reminded me yesterday of one of my favorite things growing up. Anne of Green Gables.

Thanks to her, I have been watching online since then! haha!

I actually started with "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story." Which is basically when Anne and Gilbert are all grown up. It was awesome...and now I am back to the beginning!

I almost forgot how much I loved Matthew Cuthbert, and BOY did I have a CRUSH on Gilbert!!

One of my favorite parts was when Anne tried to dye her red hair because Gilbert called her 'carrots!' She was all, "Please go away Murella, I am in the depths of despair!" haha!!

Seriously. If you haven't seen these have MISSED out!!

If you have, what were your favorite parts?!


  1. Umm... ALL of them. Bu tthe part that makes me laugh the hardest is when she tried to be all brave and stubborn. Like when her and her "bosom friend" were in the woods and scared and she was being all brave and what-not. Hilariuos!

    Isn't it Heather and her fam that realy got us into the Anne series in the first place??

  2. I love Anne. My middle name is Anne with an "e" so I have always loved the "kindred spirit" phenomenon. Every time I immediately click with someone, or find common ground in 3.2 seconds, I think to myself -- It's because I'm Anne with an "e!"

    What a great series!


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